Ways to donate
If you want help our association or specifically one of leukemia children then you can use one of the following options.
Bank Account:
Verein zur Hilfe von leukämiekranken ukrainischen Kindern e.V.
IBAN | DE51 2305 2750 0086 0412 90 |
Bank: | Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg |
You can send Paypal payments to the Paypal account This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please give as purpose the respective keyword of the child if you want to donate to a special child. Donations without a keyword are to cover the costs of the association and used for the most urgent cases respectively.
We create donation receipts from a donation of EUR 50.00. Please let us know your full name and complete postal address.